Has it really been a year?
It’s been almost a year since I’ve posted anything on my blog. I suspect my reasons for not posting are pandemic blues. At first — in fact for months and
It’s been almost a year since I’ve posted anything on my blog. I suspect my reasons for not posting are pandemic blues. At first — in fact for months and
I’m teaching a 4 week graphic novel workshop and so I decided I could create my own graphic memoir comic as an example. This is a bit blurry but I
Here’s to summer evenings full of music and dance and play. And here’s to summer days full of creative energy. While most of us take on New Year’s resolutions, I’m
Hey there! I’m back. In fact, I’m back in so many ways — back to teaching for the semester, back to writing this blog, and back from the Wisconsin SCBWI
This is what I know about 2017. We’re still facing some of the same hopes, loves, fears, promises to keep, and problems we faced in 2016. I like Tennessee Williams’
Hey all, Come on over to “Cynsations” where I’ve got a guest blog on writing from the sandbox and, sometimes, the suck pond. Here’s the link – “Ann Angel on
BIG NEWS!!!! Such a Pretty Face, Short Stories About Beauty which is actually an anthology of anti-culture-of-beauty stories is now available as an e-book. I have always believed this book is
Hi all, First the big news…. Things I’ll Never Say, Stories about Our Secret Selves was named to the CCBC 2015 Choices list! It’s also on the Teenreads Teen Choices award
Hi all, You have no idea how many people have sent me the link or tagged me on facebook about the latest Janis Joplin news — her porsche is going
Hi all — You might recall that my last post was about my efforts to write despite a long drought of wordlessness on the page. I told you that I’d
I’m heading to Vermont College of Fine Arts on Wednesday where I’ll be writing until July 18. I CANNOT wait —- and I sure hope traveling halfway across the country
The New Adult market, labeled the sexed-up version of Young Adult literature, currently carries the burden of proving to detractors that it can also be great literature containing significant and
Hi all, My secret isn’t so secret anymore. In fact, it’s a celebration. Happy Birthday to Things I’ll Never Say, Stories About our Secret Selves. If you want to
The best part of having an upcoming book birthday is the way books begin to arrive months before the book’s actual birthday. The
Hi all, When you read this header, it shouldn’t be a surprise that I haven’t posted for quite awhile. But my intent is not to complain about the lack of
Recently I spoke to a group of writers about coming back to writing. Even the title of that discussion invokes a sense of grace and
Hi all, I’ve been sort of out of touch, haven’t I? Sorry about that but I’ve been working on the first ever Publishing Institute at Mount Mary University and it’s
Dear Friends, Louise Hawes, one of the writers in the Things I’ll Never Say anthology called this cover “succulent.” Zoe Marriott, a UK writer
Recently, E. Kristin Anderson and I had a bit of a discussion about the importance of poetry for all writers and readers. I think
Collage artist Wayne Brezinka is working as I type this to create the cover for Things I’ll Never Say, the Candlewick anthology about our secret selves. His art reflects the stellar young adult stories from award-winning writers.
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