What's New?
What's new? Well ...
About a year ago I retired from my 30 years as faculty member and dean at Mount Mary University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I missed it. So I'm teaching some courses again this fall ...
My book Adopted Like Me: My Book of Adoption Heroes is for children ages 8 and up. Did you know that Bo Diddley, Nelson Mandela, and Marilyn Monroe were all adopted? Reading their stories will help you believe: You can grow up to be just about anything you want to be!
During the pandemic, I've been providing virtual workshops through The Writing Barn. I love reaching people all over the country. We'll continue with these virtual writing classes even when we're all gathering together in person again.
I'm contributing to the Raising Star Readers column in Bookology, an online magazine about children's books for educators, librarians, parents, and children's literature enthusiasts. Head on over and take a look. Join my Reading Team as we learn to love reading.
Ann Angel signing
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Janis Joplin Adopted Like Me Things I'll Never Say